Episode 92

The Yankee Firings of Billy Martin

Most baseball fans know that George Steinbrenner fired Billy Martin as Yankee manager 5 times in just over a decade. But every firing has its own unique story. In this episode we delve into each of the five firings and tell the story behind them.

Books to complement this episode:

Billy Martin: Baseball's Flawed Genius by Bill Pennington

The Bronx Zoo by Sparky Lyle and Peter Golenbock

Steinbrenner's Yankees by Ed Linn

Doc, Donnie, the Kid, and Billy Brawl: How the 1985 Mets and Yankees Fought for New York's Baseball Soul by Chris Donnelly

Steinbrenner: The Last Lion of Baseball by Bill Madden

Contact the show at HelloOldSports@gmail.com and find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/HelloOldSports

About the Podcast

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Hello Old Sports
Each week on “Hello, Old Sports” Andrew and Dan Neumann examine a different sports history topic—baseball, basketball, football, hockey, boxing, and anything else that comes to mind.